Tuesday, Nov. 8, is Election Day in the United States (although many voters already will have voted by mail or at an early voting location). As Catholics, we see responsible citizenship as a virtue, and thus participation in the political process is not only a right but also a duty. And so, as Catholics and as American citizens, we should exercise the right and duty of our citizenship by voting. And while candidates for President and Vice-President are not on the ballot, this “midterm” election will choose a governor, a senator, representatives for the House of Representatives along with several other state and local officials.
Of course, these days there is great disaffection with politics: The hopes people place in politics are more often frustrated than fulfilled. St. Paul, the great Apostle to the Gentiles who died martyred in Rome, never overestimated the possibilities of politics. A few Sundays ago, in the second reading of the Mass, St. Paul offered this piece of sage advice to Timothy, his protégé and later co-worker: "First of all, I ask that supplications, prayers, petitions, and thanksgivings be offered for everyone, for kings and for all in authority, that we may lead a quiet and tranquil life."
The way I understand St. Paul here is that while we pray for kings and those in authority, we do so not to endorse them or their policies but so that they leave us alone so that we can worship the Lord in hope, witness to his truth in faith and serve our fellow men in love. Our Prayers of the Faithful often include prayers for political leaders: We pray that they work for peace and in the interest of the common good.
Our Church rightly does not tell the faithful to vote for any candidate or party. The Catholic Church is not — nor does she want to be — a political agency or a special interest group. However, she does have a profound interest — and rightly so — in the good of the political community, the soul of which is justice. For this reason, the Church engages in a wide variety of public policy issues including the defense of unborn life, of religious liberty, and of marriage as a union of one man and one woman, as well as advocacy on issues concerning immigration, education, poverty, and racism, along with many other concerns.