Enfrentado a otras urgencias legislativas y preocupaciones ciudadanas, como la seguridad, y respondiendo a las demandas de los partidos de la oposición, el gobierno fue cediendo protagonismo al Congreso, donde se alcanzó un acuerdo refrendado por 14 partidos políticos con representación parlamentaria.
Sin embargo, el Presidente Boric no ha renunciado a los objetivos políticos de su anterior intento de reformar la Constitución. Boric insiste en su agenda que consiste en transformar la república democrática en una "Democracia Paritaria", abandonar la omisión indígena para implantar un "Estado plurinacional e intercultural", anular "La ley protege la vida del que está por nacer" para aprobar una que pueda "Asegurar condiciones para embarazo, interrupción voluntaria del embarazo, parto y maternidad voluntarios y protegidos", calificar a Chile de "Estado social y democrático de derecho" y, eliminar la propiedad sobre las aguas para hacerla "inapropiable".
Aunque se anticipa que la nueva versión reformista será más moderada que la propuesta anterior y Boric trata de adornarla con esas frases tan atractivas, conviene ilustrarse sobre las condiciones subyacentes de cada uno de estos proclamados propósitos a la hora de aceptar un nuevo texto constitucional. Boric ha dado un giro pero no está logrando convencer a su pueblo de que en realidad haya recapacitado.
'Más que sepultar al neoliberalismo, administrarlo'.– afirma Patricio Navia sobre el nuevo giro en la gestión de Boric
Boric aspiraba a convertir a Chile en la tumba del neoliberalismo, la realidad política lo ha obligado a convertirse en un administrador de un modelo económico de libre mercado exitoso.
Stgo. de Chile, Mayo 23 (Patricio Navia).– Aunque el gobierno de Gabriel Boric aspiraba a convertir a Chile en la tumba del neoliberalismo, la realidad política lo ha obligado a convertirse en un administrador de un modelo económico de libre mercado exitoso, pero que necesita reformas y mejoras para fortalecerlo y darle viabilidad a largo plazo.
A few countries have consistently supported Israel's actions in the UN, such as the United States of America and the states of Micronesia, the Marshall Islands and Palau all of which are associated states of the U.S. Recently Australia, under the leadership of John Howard, and Canada, under the leadership of Stephen Harper, have also supported Israel at the UN. Many European countries usually adopt a neutral stance, abstaining from the ongoing condemnations of Israel. UN General Assembly condemned Israel (15 Resolutions) more than all other countries combined (13 Resolutions, 6 of them condemning Russian invasion of Ukraine) in 2022.
Who in Europe Is Most and Least Supportive of Israel?
Much like in America, the issue of Israel is a divisive one among European Union political parties. The battle lines are being drawn.
Tel Aviv, May 15.– “It is a right of EU citizens to know how their national parties vote on issues related to Israel,” said Tomas Sandell, founding director of the European Coalition for Israel (ECI). To that end, the ECI marked the Jewish state’s 75th anniversary by conducting a survey of which European Union countries and EU Parliament parties are most and least supportive of Israel.
This information, continued Sandell, “not only contributes to a better and more informative debate, but it also strengthens EU participatory democracy.”
Participatory democracy is a type of democracy in which citizens have the opportunity to make decisions, either directly or indirectly, regarding laws and matters of state. Participatory democracy is closely related to direct democracy, but it usually wants to involve large numbers of people in political processes, ideally the entire citizenry. It works when individual citizens of a democracy participate in the elaboration of policies and laws through consistent engagement. The aim is to achieve breadth with the participation of all citizens who choose to be involved. This is the essence of democracy: the only way to ensure that the ‘people rule’ is for them to be involved in the decisions that affect them. Such a political system encourages a diversity of opportunities for political engagement.
Deliberative democracy wants to involve relatively small (but representative) groups of people, because it is very difficult to have deep deliberation among large numbers of people.
Deliberative Democracy: Citizens’ assemblies within the government
Citizens’ assemblies are formed as a way of addressing matters about which governments are either unable or poorly constituted to do – they are a very real ‘by the people for the people’ event.
György Schwartz, later known as George Soros, is a Hungarian Jew who was born in Budapest in 1930 and emigrated to the United Kingdom in 1947. He later became a US citizen and calls himself an atheist. He earned an MA from the London School of Economics, founded by the Fabian Society, and a PhD from the University of London. He is estimated to have a net worth of more than $9 billion. After two divorces, he married Tamiko Bolton for the third time in 2013. By his second wife, Susan Weber, he had a son named Alexander, who chairs the Open Society Foundation and the Young Global Leaders (of the World Economic Forum) and is a native of the USA. Alexander has been an active donor to the country's political movements and parties since 2012, when he established the Alexander Soros Foundation.
The threatening political influence of multi-billionaire George Soros and his son Alexander
The influence of George Soros and one of his sons in US politics is worrying.
Records reviewed by the press reveal that one of multi-billionaire George Soros' sons has quietly evolved into a de facto White House "ambassador," visiting the building on his father's behalf at least 14 times since President Joe Biden took office.
Alexander Soros, a prolific Democratic fundraiser, likes to flaunt his relationships with world leaders on social media, and it has been revealed that in 2022 alone, he gained access to at least 12 meetings with government officials at the White House, including meetings with the President, according to recently updated White House visitor logs. Alexander, 37, also participated in two other meetings there in late 2021, as records show.