Democracia Participativa Titulares
No hay novedades respecto al cuadro clínico de los últimos días. Sin embargo, según la Sala de Prensa del Vaticano “ Este es un elemento positivo ”. Informan también que el Cardenal Parolin se comunicó con el Presidente Zelensky. Vaticano, Mar. 14 (Zenit Noticias) . – Aunque el viernes 14 de marzo...


Democracia Participativa Headlines
The government isn’t seizing farms, but radical fringe groups are encouraging invasions of land that they say was stolen by white settlers. A South African revolutionary song calling for blacks to kill white farmers has fomented racial tensions in the lead-up to elections. Extremist groups are...

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Revealed: Google facilitated Russia and China’s censorship requests
An investigation has exposed the tech firm’s cooperation with autocratic regimes to remove unfavorable content. Feb. 15. – Google has cooperated with autocratic regimes around the world, including the Kremlin in Russia and the Chinese Communist party, to facilitate censorship requests, an Observer...
How China's DeepSeek Could Disrupt Financial Markets & Global Stability
Technology—all technologies—inevitably become better and cheaper over time. That trend has been in motion, at an accelerating rate, since at least the end of the last Ice Age about 12,000 years ago. Since the start of the Industrial Revolution about 200 years ago the hyperbolic curve has gone...
International Seminar on the human rights implications of artificial intelligence held today in Helsinki
Helsinki, Feb.5 (DPnet). – The Council of Europe and Finland’s Non-discrimination Ombudsman will host a seminar focusing on the human rights implications of artificial intelligence (AI) and automated decision-making in public administration. Speakers include the Head of Hate Speech, Hate Crime and...
What is DeepSeek? 
DeepSeek has turned the tech world upside down. The low-cost, tiny Chinese company has developed AI chatbots at just a fraction of the cost of the major players in the industry. Jan.28 (DPnet). – A surprisingly powerful and efficient Chinese AI model created a year ago has overtaken the tech...
Artificial Intelligence: A Central Theme at Davos' World Economic Forum 2025
Davos, Jan.22 (DPnet). – Some of the largest firms in the world set up temporary meeting and event rooms for a week in cafes, stores, and restaurants. Their branding frequently reveals what corporate executives are thinking about. It’s no surprise, then, that artificial intelligence dominated the...
La grave amenaza de la Inteligencia Artificial 
Geoffrey Hinton: « Existe el 50 por ciento de posibilidades de que esto acabe mal. Yo no me subiría a un taxi si supiera que la mitad de sus viajes acaban en muerte » Tiene 76 años y le acaban de otorgar el Nobel de Física. Lo llaman "el padrino de la inteligencia artificial" porque sin su...
Premio Nobel de Física a John Hopfield y Geoffrey Hinton, pioneros de la inteligencia artificial
Premiados John Hopfield , de la Universidad de Princeton (EE.UU.), y Geoffrey Hinton , de la de Toronto (Canadá). Oct. 10. – El desarrollo de las redes neuronales artificiales en las que se basa la actual revolución de la inteligencia artificial (IA) ha sido reconocido con el premio Nobel de...
False dawn of machine minds = The Dangerous Illusion of AI Consciousness 
Shannon Vallor .– Director of the Centre for Technomoral Futures in Edinburgh Futures Institute. [Based on the ideas of her new book, The AI Mirror .] OpenAI recently announced GPT-4o: the latest, multimodal version of the generative AI GPT model class that drives the now-ubiquituous ChatGPT tool...
A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.
John F. Kennedy