They allege that it is an all-out attack on their faith and beliefs.
Washington DC, May 17 (– The Executive Branch of the US government issued an Executive Order granting a $1.9 trillion relief bill that failed to include for the first time in over 40 years the pro-life protections found in the Hyde Amendment.1 That means for Christians that millions of taxpayer dollars will be used to directly pay Planned Parenthood and other agencies to "slaughter unborn children" and they will thus be paying for abortions along with every other American.
Furthermore, they reject a new bill on the Senate floor declaring an all-out assault on the Hyde Amendment, calling it "racist".
On their part, the House of Representatives passed the "Equality Act", and it is now on the Senate floor for approval. Facing this new development, five separate committees of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops have spoken out in firm opposition to this bill, noting that if passed, this "Equality Act" would pose a dire threat to "both people of faith and of no faith, to the right of freedom of speech, as well as to faith-based charities and health-care workers with conscience objections, among others".
According to those opposing this Act of Congress, if it passes into law, it could:
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