Santiago de Chile, Dic. 11.– Tras los incidentes registrado la tarde del jueves en la región Metropolitana en el marco del Día de los Derechos Humanos, las autoridades condenaron la quema de cuatro buses eléctricos en Alameda con Las Rejas.
Los vehículos siniestrados transportaban a 1.500 personas por día, afectando directamente a los usuarios que requieren trasladarse a sus lugares de trabajo y hogares.
El Congreso de los Diputados de España rechazó condenar las detenciones arbitrarias de disidentes en Cuba, la segunda votación consecutiva en que los gubernamentales PSOE y Podemos hacen valer su mayoría y favorecen al castrismo.
Nov.25.– El Congreso de los Diputados de España rechazó condenar las detenciones arbitrarias de disidentes en Cuba, la segunda votación consecutiva en que los gubernamentales Partido Socialista Obrero Español (PSOE) y Podemos hacen valer su mayoría en un tema que concierne a la isla.
La primera votación estuvo relacionada con la censura de los crímenes del comunismo, que también rechazaron. Para las organizaciones exiliadas en España, resulta inexplicable que la extrema izquierda haya conseguido “imponer su agenda” en la política exterior.
Así lo explicó Yaxys Cires, director de Estrategia del Observatorio Cubano de Derechos Humanos (OCDH): “Honestamente, que el partido de Pablo Iglesias, que es de extrema izquierda, no condene la represión de jóvenes artistas e intelectuales en Cuba, no nos sorprende. Eso va con su esencia estalinista”.
Nehru was a blundering and impractical politician. He complicated not only Tibet and India’s North East, but also Jammu & Kashmir state. [The latter was left to the current prime minister, Narendra Modi, to act decisively and display courage and competence. He tackled its on-going separatist and terrorist “culture” and ended its “special status” by abrogating the temporary Article 370 of the Indian Constitution, and brought it in line with the other Indian states.] Nehru, in his idealistic fervor and utopian dreams, had not acted like a patriot or a statesman and had surrendered much to China and also to the separatist Kashmiri Muslims. In his era, the favorite political slogan was “Hindi–Chini bhai bhai” (“Indians and Chinese are brothers”). It proved to be one-sided and disastrous to India with a big betrayal by China.
Left to Nehru, he would have messed up the relations between just-free India and the 500 odd princely states the British left in 1947 as “independent kingdoms.” It was due to the wisdom and diplomacy of then-Deputy Prime Minister Vallabhbhai Patel, who integrated the states with the Indian Union.
India had excellent relations with Tibet for centuries, and there were deep religious, educational, cultural, and trade ties between them. Actually, two of India’s most sacred and ancient places of pilgrimage— Kailash and Man Sarovar —are in Tibet and are still visited by Indians, though in a very restricted number because of the Chinese policies.
There have long been Indian scholars visiting Tibet, conducting research, studying there, and also bringing valuable material for Indians to study. This kind of relation was much less with Tibet and China—a distant land.
When the British left in 1947, India had “inherited” the British influence in Tibet, but soon Nehru gave it up.