United Nations performs audits to the judicial processes of political prisoners.
• The first three cases reviewed are that of Josiel Guía Piloto, Iván Amaro Hidalgo and Marbel Mendoza Reyes, in a new resolution of the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, which comes to endorse and extend the resolution of the case of Roberto de Jesús Quiñones Haces.
• In its resolution, the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention condemns the figures of contempt, disorder, social danger and attempt, contained in the Criminal Code, which “are extremely vague and lack the requirement of sufficient accuracy to provide legal certainty to the population”, and which have been the cause against these three political prisoners.
• Likewise, it indicates that “the criminal types for which Mr. Guía Piloto, Ms. Mendoza Reyes and Mr. Hidalgo were tried and deprived of liberty, being extremely vague, do not allow to specify their meaning or identify the conduct to be regulated, so that they contravene the international obligations of Cuba, and invalidate them as the legal basis of the arrest, which makes it impossible to invoke a legal basis to justify the detention, making it arbitrary”, which is a “violation of article 9” and also “Articles 18, 19, 20 and 21 of the Universal Declaration”, as well as Articles 10 and 11, for the “impossibility of accessing evidence” and affecting “their right to defend and receive effective legal assistance” and in “detriment of the obligation of publicity”.
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