UN report urges more opportunites for poor and lower-caste women

In many developing countries, only more privileged women are able to influence decisions made in local government or community groups that affect the lives of women across social classes, says a recent UN report  "untouchable" woman

Bangkok, June 23.─ Often excluded from decision-making, poor and lower-caste women can contribute to the development of their communities through volunteer work, experts said, calling for more opportunities for marginalized women in governance and local groups.

In many developing countries, only more privileged women are able to influence decisions made in local government or community groups that affect the lives of women across social classes, said Rosemary Kalapurakal of United Nations Volunteers.

"Even in volunteering, the access for women from marginalized communities is less than for women from more privileged communities," Kalapurakal, UNV's deputy executive coordinator, said by telephone from New Delhi.

"We would like it to be a level playing field, for all women, regardless of what background they come from." (...)

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