North Korea 'Publicly Executes 80 People for Watching South Korean TV Shows'

North Korean ruler orders public execution Seoul, Nov. 11.─ North Korea has publicly executed 80 people across seven cities for watching South Korean television shows, according to inside sources.

An unidentified source "familiar" with North Korean internal affairs told the conservative South Korean daily JoongAng Ilbo that the simultaneous executions took place on 3 November.

If confirmed, these are the first large-scale public executions under Kim Jong-un.

The report said the North Koreans were charged with relatively minor offences such as watching smuggled South Korean shows and pornography. Some of them are believed to have been punished for possessing the Bible in the Communist nation.

The source is reported to have recently visited North Korea.

A witness apparently told the source that North Korean authorities had gathered about 10,000 people including children in a local stadium in Wonsan to watch the execution by firing squad ...

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