US alarmed at worsening human rights and Beijing's anti-west rhetoric

Hong Kong, Aug.14.─ A US official has signaled increasing alarm over the deterioration of human rights in China, saying the topic will be central in an upcoming visit by President Xi Jinping to Washington next month.

Delegations of the two world powers met yesterday and are meeting again Friday (HK time Saturday) in Washington for their annual “Human Rights Dialogue,'' addressing one of the thorniest issues between the two governments.

“The dialogue gave us a chance to convey in advance of that visit the growing sense of alarm in the United States about human rights developments in China and to stress the importance of making specific improvements in keeping with China's own laws and international commitments,'' assistant secretary for human rights Tom Malinowski said Thursday.

Malinowski said the dialogue is a chance to hash out tough issues and not “simply agree to disagree." ...

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