Archbishop Gallagher challenges UN on Human Trafficking

“Solemn commitments,” although necessary, “are not enough.”   Archbishop Gallagher addresses the UN General Assembly

United Nations, Sept.28.– Citing Pope Francis, Archbishop Paul R. Gallagher said that the UN plan to address human trafficking is making progress, but that “solemn commitments,” although necessary, “are not enough.”

Archbishop Gallagher, Head of the Holy See Delegation at the 72nd session of the United Nations General Assembly and Secretary for Relations with States, made his comments during the plenary session of the High Level Meeting on human trafficking, September 27, 2017 at the UN in New York City.

“Since the adoption, in 2010, of the United Nations Global Plan of Action to Combat Trafficking in Persons, the extent of the crime of human trafficking across the globe has worsened”, the archbishop said, but noted that “during the same period, the recognition of the dimensions of the problem, the resources required to respond to it, and the resolve of governments, institutions and individuals to combat it have grown.”

Archbishop Gallagher said that progress has been made in identifying the factors that contribute to human trafficking, but that armed conflicts around the world have fed the problem. He offered two presentations, which are included below as provided by the Holy See:

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