The 12th Global Assembly & What's Ahead in 2025

Washington DC, Jan.24.– In 2024, the World Movement for Democracy celebrated its 25th anniversary, reflecting on the progress made by this global network of democracy advocates and the ongoing challenges we face. We finished the year with a strong sense of solidarity, expressed through the 12th Global Assembly in Johannesburg, South Africa, that brought together nearly 700 democracy advocates from 100+ countries.

WMD 12th Global Assembly

At the Global Assembly, Maria Ressa, Chairperson of the World Movement’s Steering Committee, reminded us: “You are here because you’re fighting your own battles, and I hope that ... each of us will realize and be reminded that we’re not alone. The values we believe in—tuned to each of our cultures—are worth the battle we’re each going through.” 

Our efforts to scale the engagement with our global community of action will be based on years of work that our partners have devoted to:

Defending Civic Space: To counter the rising wave of restrictive laws targeting civil society, the World Movement will facilitate learning on advocacy strategies to address developments at different stages: 
•    Preemptive: Combat stigmatization before restrictive laws are introduced.   
•    Prevention: Respond to draft laws to stop their enactment.   
•    Protection: Share lessons for operating within restrictive environments.   
•    Promotion: Strengthen international norms that protect civic space.
Through these efforts, we aim to defend and expand civil society’s ability to operate freely.

Advocating for Political Prisoners: Inspired by the Day of Political Prisoners in 2024—where we celebrated the release of Vladimir Kara-Murza of Russia, Hisham Kassem of Egypt, and others—the World Movement will continue mobilizing support for political prisoners and their families. This year, we will launch a new resource hub to equip civil society, families, and advocates with tools to amplify their efforts, while strengthening the global call to release political prisoners through targeted campaigns and public events.   

Cultivating the Next Generation of Democracy Leaders: At the 12th Global Assembly, nearly 250 young advocates shared their visions for a democratic future, demonstrating innovative approaches to mobilize their peers. This March, we will welcome a new cohort of Hurford Youth Fellows who will contribute fresh ideas, strengthen youth networks, and advance youth leadership in decision-making spaces worldwide.  
Sharing Inspiration and Innovation: To overcome today’s challenges, we need inspiration from within our own community. In 2025, we are excited to launch #OurCommunity, a storytelling series that highlights how individuals across our network are advancing democracy. By showcasing innovative approaches to complex challenges, these stories will inspire and connect democracy advocates around the globe. 
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As we begin this new year, the World Movement for Democracy reaffirms its commitment to connect, empower, and inspire our Global Community of Action.

Together, we build democracy! 

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