human rights

2022: Over 300 deaths and disappearances attributed to the Cuban State repression
A Victory for Press Freedom in the Philippines
ACHRS Statement: Saudi Arabia whitewashes human rights violations
AFGHANISTAN: Comment by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk
Biden's Unconstitutional Border Plan: The Funneling of Illegal Migrants into the US
Call on US Congress to pass the Resolve Tibet Act
China tries to impose a structure of pseudo-religious dependence on Tibet
Christians in Africa are no strangers to persecution – Burkina Faso is a case in point
Communauté genevoise d’action syndicale (CGAS) v. Switzerland (no. 21881/20)
Council of Europe Secretary General calls for increased political will to implement ECHR judgments
Declaration +25: Articulating International Standards to Protect the Right to Defend Rights
Democratic Republic of the Congo: Death Threats and Harassment Against Dismas Kitenge
Dominican Institution Responds to UN Expert’s Statements on Haitian immigrants' human rights
Double-standard justice precedes totalitarian systems
European Court joins inter-State case concerning Russian military operations in Ukraine to inter-State case concerning eastern Ukraine and downing of flight MH17
European Court of Human Rights: Başer and Özçelik v. Turkey (nos. 30694/15 and 30803/15)
Former Iranian Government Official convicted for role in the 1988 Massacre of Political Prisoners
Freedom of worship is only one aspect of freedom of religion
Geneva Summit for Human Rights and Democracy
Hong Kong court convicts 90-year-old cardinal over protest fund

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