Let us fight for the Preservation of the Amazon Rainforest

Today, the Amazon rainforest is home to diverse wildlife like the jaguar, three-toed sloth, and over 44,000 other unique species. But these animals are quickly losing their rainforest home as it’s destroyed, hacked apart, and sold for lumber.Deforestación en el valle del Amazonas (en rojo)

Brazil’s illegal loggers are chopping through protected areas, destroying forests in indigenous lands, and falsely using legal documents to hide their crimes. Just last year — in one state alone, criminal loggers chopped down enough illegal Amazon timber to fill 14,000 trucks.

Logging and deforestation are threatening the very existence of the Amazon rainforest and its inhabitants. But we have the power to stop this destruction.

Take action for the Amazon today.  ◄◄ Click here

We as consumers must tell American companies to stop taking part in Amazon destruction. Together, we can get companies like Lumber Liquidators — currently selling Brazilian wood for floors — to cut ties with Amazon crime.

Forest destruction isn’t just a problem for wildlife. It’s also a threat to the livelihoods of 24 million people who live in the Amazon and rely on the forest. Residents that speak up about illegal logging can face threats or violence — even death.

Stand up for the Amazon rainforest today. Tell Lumber Liquidators to cut its ties to Amazon crime.

Already, the Amazon has lost an area greater than the state of Texas to deforestation. And last year, this forest destruction increased by 28% ... with no signs of stopping.

The habitat of the jaguar and the home of millions of people depends on whether or not we as consumers can get companies — like Lumber Liquidators — to stop buying into Amazon rainforest destruction.

Let’s make the right choice for the Amazon. Demand that American company Lumber Liquidators cut ties with forest crime.

Daniel Brindis
Greenpeace Senior Forest Campaigner

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