Pope to Economic Forum: "Allow Each Person to Live in Dignified Manner"

“By offering to all people real opportunities for integral human development”, the Pope added.   

Jan. 23 (Zenit).– Pope Francis called on world leaders to promote policies that allow each person to live in a dignified manner. His call came in a statement released by the Vatican on January 23, 2018, addressed to the chairman of the World Economic Forum, meeting in Davos from January 23-26, 2018.

“It is vital to safeguard the dignity of the human person, in particular by offering to all people real opportunities for integral human development and by implementing economic policies that favor the family,” the Holy Father said. “Economic models, therefore, are also required to observe an ethic of sustainable and integral development, based on values that place the human person and his or her rights at the center.”

The Pope noted that the world is witnessing increasing fragmentation between states and institutions, with the emergence of “new actors” and “new economic competition and regional trade agreements”. Added to this are new technologies that transform economic models and “an ambition for profit at all costs.” Leading to “further fragmentation and individualism, rather than to facilitate approaches that are more inclusive.”

Reminding the world leaders of the suffering of millions around the world, Francis lamented that “we cannot remain silent…nor can we continue to move forward as if the spread of poverty and injustice had no cause” ...

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