UPDATE to send North Korean Dictator KIM JONG-UN to trial for Crimes Against Humanity

In addition to the Campaign started by Change.org since 24 September 2016 by gathering signatures to be sent to the International Criminal Court (ICC), this campaign focuses now in the UN Security Council to take action by referring Kim Jong-un to the ICC.

In North Korea, thousands are kept in concentration camps, tortured, and starved to death. Speak out for the human rights of these innocent victims.

The 2014 UN Commission of Inquiry on North Korea concluded that “the gravity, scale and nature of violations” in that country "reveal a state that does not have any parallel in the contemporary world.”

The report found “systematic, widespread and gross human rights violations” that amount to “crimes against humanity” which are based on State policies. The responsibility for these crimes reaches many branches of the North Korean government, and traces its way to Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un.

The Commission of Inquiry cited grave crimes committed by Kim Jong-un’s regime, including:

• Extermination
• Murder
• Enslavement
• Torture
• Imprisonment
• Rape
• Forced abortions
• Sexual violence
• Persecution on political, religious, racial and gender grounds
• Enforced disappearances
• Starvation

Indeed, an estimated 100,000 North Koreans are imprisoned in concentration camps. Hundreds of thousands more are deprived of food and other basic needs. These crimes against humanity, according to the UN commission of inquiry, are caused by the regime’s “policies, institutions and patterns of impunity.”

The international community can no longer be silent. Please call upon the members of the UN Security Council to take action to protect the suffering people of North Korea by referring Kim Jong-un to the ICC.

Thank you for helping defend the genuine principles of human rights and justice.

P.S. Please copy and forward this link to your friends to ensure more voices speak out for the innocent North Korean victims: http://democraciaparticipativa.net/derechos-humanos-h-rights/organizaciones-campaigns/10989-take-action-send-north-korean-dictator-kim-jong-un-to-trial-at-the-icc.html 

TAKE ACTION: Send North Korean Dictator Kim Jong-un to trial at the ICC

Sept. 24.─ In North Korea, thousands are kept in concentration camps, tortured, and starved to death. Speak out for the human rights of these innocent victims!

The 2014 UN Commission of Inquiry on North Korea concluded that “the gravity, scale and nature of violations” in that country "reveal a state that does not have any parallel in the contemporary world.”

The report found “systematic, widespread and gross human rights violations” that amount to “crimes against humanity” which are based on State policies. The responsibility for these crimes reaches many branches of the North Korean government, and traces its way to Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un.

The Commission of Inquiry cited grave crimes committed by Kim Jong-un’s regime, including:

• Extermination
• Murder
• Enslavement
• Torture
• Imprisonment
• Rape
• Forced abortions
• Sexual violence
• Persecution on political, religious, racial and gender grounds
• Enforced disappearances
• Starvation

Indeed, an estimated 100,000 North Koreans are imprisoned in concentration camps. Hundreds of thousands more are deprived of food and other basic needs. These crimes against humanity, according to the UN commission of inquiry, are caused by the regime’s “policies, institutions and patterns of impunity.”

The international community can no longer be silent. Please, take action concerning the grave human rights abuses committed in North Korea by referring the situation to the International Criminal Court (ICC). This objective may be achieved by joining others in a just petition to the members of the UN Security Council to take action to protect the suffering people of North Korea by referring Kim Jong-un to the ICC.

Thank you for helping defend the genuine principles of human rights and justice anywhere they are violated.

P.S. Please copy and forward this link to your friends to ensure more voices speak out for the innocent North Korean victims: http://democraciaparticipativa.net/derechos-humanos-h-rights/organizaciones-campaigns/10989-take-action-send-north-korean-dictator-kim-jong-un-to-trial-at-the-icc.html


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