Nasrin Sotoudeh, an Iranian human rights activist needs our help

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Nasrin SotoudehNasrin Sotoudeh is a woman of great courage and she needs our help. A lawyer and human rights activist in Iran, she represents women brutalized by the extremist regime, children sentenced to death by its Fundamentalist Islamic judges, and political activists and politicians arrested, tortured, and incarcerated by the regime.

Now, she herself has been arrested for defending all of the above – sentenced to 148 lashes and 38 years in prison. It is vitally important that the Iranian regime is made aware that the world is watching, if there is any hope to secure her release or reduce the harshness of her sentence.

Public support issued by President Trump, Senate Majority Leader McConnell, and House Speaker Pelosi can help greatly to shine a bright light on the Iranian regime's intimidation and torture of any opposition and its treatment of Nasrin in particular.

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