Participants in Latin American Network Assembly attacked in Media & intimidated

Logo de RedLadMay 23 (─ Following the Latin American and Caribbean Network for Democracy's (RedLad) Third Regional Assembly in Honduras last week (May 15-18), prominent members of the network have been publicly attacked online and in the media. The Assembly gathered more than 400 participants in workshops and discussions under the theme "Inclusive Democracy".

The World Movement for Democracy and the Participatory Democracy Cultural Initiative are concerned about the slanderous attacks against the participants and the threats and attempts of intimidation against them.

According to an alert issued by the RedLad, Gender Coordinator-elect Aixa de Armas, of Mujer y Ciudadanía, Venezuela, was publicly denounced by José Vicente Rangel on his Caracas radio program "Los Confidenciales." Alternate Coordinator Sergio Balladares, of Nicaragua, received anonymous threats from unidentified persons. Prominent Cuban activists, Guillermo Fariñas and Berta Soler, have also received threats and attempts of intimidation.

The World Movement for Democracy and the Participatory Democracy Cultural Initiarive stand in solidarity with the members of the RedLad and all those who work to further democracy in their countries. In addition, joins the World Movement for Democracy and the RedLad in calling on democratic governments in the region to protect threatened democracy activists.

[ Alert - in Spanish ]
[ More about this 3rd Assembly - in Spanish ]

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