Newly discovered North Korea propaganda footage sheds light on how the Communist regime trains state security agents on how to identify and silence Christians.
If not for a North Korean government training video, the testimony of Cha Deoksun’s life would never have been known. Produced to train state security agents how to identify and silence those who promote religion inside North Korea, the film denigrates anyone who practices religion. “This video illustrates very clearly why it is so important for Christians everywhere to pray for North Korea and Christians there," Todd Nettleton, host of VOM Radio and an author of the history of Christianity in North Korea, said. According to the film, Deoksun received Christ in China and returned to North Korea to share her faith. Cha lost her faith in the government during the Great Famine in the 1990s when she illegally crossed the border into China and found God at Seotap Church and then became a believer who was inspired to return to North Korea and form an underground church.
Incredibly, the propaganda film gives many details about the life of this courageous Christian. It states that during North Korea’s “Great Famine” in the mid-1990s, when an estimated 2.5 million people died, Deoksun was a strong revolutionary whose faith in the government had wavered. After visiting a woman in the northwest to ask for help, she illegally crossed the border into China in search of her uncle. But instead of finding her uncle, who had died, Deoksun found the Seotap Church, where she heard the gospel for the first time. The video says she became a “fanatical believer” who was inspired to return to North Korea and form an underground network of Christians inside the country.
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