The World's Captive Nations of Communism & other Totalitarian regimes

The Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation has published the "Captive Nations Update 2018" annual report, including a short briefing about each one of the countries where their peoples are victims of Communism or derivative totalitarian regimes, such as the so-called "XXI Century Socialism".

The United States officially recognizes the struggle of those nations held captive by "Socialist" or Communist tyrannies. Since the time that President Eisenhower published the first Captive Nations Week proclamation, most of the countries named in the original law have achieved independence and are now democratic and free. But there are still too many other nations suffering cruel totalitarian regimes.

It is important to recognize their struggle and continue to support these countries, with the hope that one day they will finally shake off the shackles of servitude.

Captive Nations Update 2018

July 16.– The US "2018 Captive Nations Week Proclamation" affirms the importance of freedom from communist oppression for the purpose of international peace and stability.

The Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation stands in solidarity with those captive nations still seeking liberty.

Towards that end, we have noted important developments in the world’s remaining captive nations, we note concerning trends in former captive nations, and we highlight countries which are at risk of becoming nations held captive by collectivist tyranny. It pains us to say that, in 2018, the tide of freedom is receding around the globe. The status of the captive nations is more dire than it was in 2017.

People's Republic of China


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