Radovan Karadžić guilty of genocide! but other war criminals still at large

Former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadžić was found guilty of genocide and war crimes and sentenced to 40 years last Wednesday   Radovan Karadžić

Mairobi, March 26.─ The verdict ends Europe’s biggest war crimes trial since Nuremburg, and hopefully brings some solace to the families of the victims of the ethnic cleansing in Srebrenica in 1995. Karadžić was the final case before the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia.

The tribunal is one of a series of international courts created to address the legacies of large-scale human rights violations, push back against impunity and hold individuals accountable.

The list includes the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, hybrid courts like the Special Court for Sierra Leone and the Special Tribunal for Cambodia, and the Hague-based International Criminal Court, with its universal jurisdiction. At times controversial, they mark a shift towards a global framework of international human rights norms.

But first you must catch your killer. Below are three fugitives – charged with crimes of chilling proportions – that are yet to face justice:

Joseph Kony

Félicien Kabuga

Omar al-Bashir

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