IDU: Resolution tabled by the Swedish Moderate Party about Political Prisoners in Russia, Belarus & Georgia

The International Democrat Union (IDU) is Headquartered in Munich, Germany. The IDU consists of 84 full and associate members from 65 countries.


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The International Democrat Union notes with great concern the increasing number of political prisoners around the world. We are especially concerned and wish to highlight a number of political prisoners belonging to our political family and to our network in Europe. They are close friends of the International Democrat Union and their imprisonments are unjust and unlawful. Their imprisonment also threatens their health and life.

We are concerned with the unlawful and long prison sentences of the Russian opposition politicians and activists Vladimir Kara-Murza, Alexei Navalny, and Ilya Yashin.

Political prisoners Russia, Belarus, GeorgiaIn Belarus, we are concerned with the sentence of the leader of the United Civic Party, Mikalai Kazlou. We are similarly concerned with the unlawful imprisonment of Artsem Liabedzka, who is awaiting a court decision in the Volodarskogo prison in Minsk.

  • We are also concerned with the imprisonment of the former President of Georgia, Mikheil Saakashvili, not the least considering the alarming deterioration of his health.

    The conditions in the prisons are extremely harsh and in combination with political retribution and maltreatment, the health and safety as well as the lives of the political prisoners are at risk.

    The International Democrat Union

    • Having regard to its previous resolutions on Russia, Belarus, and Georgia as well as on political prisoners

    Therefore, the International Democrat Union

        Calls for the immediate release of Vladimir Kara-Murza, Alexei Navalny, and Ilya Yashin in Russia;
        Calls for the immediate release of Mikalai Kazlou and Artsem Liabedzka in Belarus;
        Calls for the immediate release of Mikheil Saakashvili in Georgia;
        Calls on the international community to ensure the safe and immediate humanitarian transfer to another country for proper medical treatment of former President Mikheil Saakashvili and any other political prisoner that might need such help.
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