The goal is 10,000 supporters towards European democracy

 It’s now or never – our best chance to democratize the European Union will be determined in the weeks to come. Nothing like the European Citizens’ Initiative exists anywhere else, and it’s up to us to tell the Commission that citizens everywhere demand a new and improved ECI that works.

A few days ago, we announced that The ECI Rescue Team will be heading to Brussels next week to deliver the signatures and our petition including a list of demands to the Commission. When we introduce our proposals to the Commission, we want it to be absolutely clear that the citizens believe in a strong ECI too!

Please join thousands of supporters and sign our petition to reinforce the importance of the ECI to the Commission.  

The next few weeks will be crucial for the first tool of transnational direct democracy. The future of the European Citizens’ Initiative will be decided by the end of the year, following months of a revision process by the European Commission. 

Thanks to the ECI, Europeans are given a direct seat at the EU decision-making table, but actual results of its 5-year existence have been disappointing. Out of sixty-six ECIs that have been introduced, 19 were refused by the Commission on grounds of being “inadmissible”, and only 4 ECIs managed to collect the necessary signatures. Not a single ECI out of 66 has seen a legislative response.

It’s no secret that the ECI needs significant reform in order to become a real, working democratic tool. Our ECI Rescue Team, made up of members of democracy-protecting civil society groups, are safeguarding your right to influence the EU agenda granted by the ECI. We will be marching to Brussels on August 16th – the same day the Commission closes its 12-week public questionnaire of the revision process – to hand over to the Commission our demands, along with thousands of signatures of support, for an ECI reform in line with the requirements needed to upgrade the only democratic tool of its kind.

This is your chance to join thousands of people by signing our petition in one last push for the Commission to uphold its promise to the citizens. Signing our petition means you demand with us that the Commission makes the ECI registration process less restrictive, simplify the requirements for signatories, allow for proposals of changes to existing EU treaties, and ensure the Commission submits draft follow-up legislation within one year of a successful ECI. Our demands are critical in order for the ECI to become a functioning tool of transnational democracy.

Pressure the Commision to take ECI reform seriously 

For years we have vigorously worked for an ECI that is user-friendly and efficient. We want to make it crystal clear to the Commission that people everywhere expect these demands. Please sign our petition so that we can present our demands along with the support of thousands to maintain pressure on the Commission. Real European democracy is in your hands!

Thank you!

Best regards

Andreas Müller 

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