Human Rights Sources

Sources (divided into 'Global', 'Americas' and 'Other' regions) for information on Human Rights...




Subscription Information


Amnesty International News Release

Amnesty International

Visit web site or e-mail with the words "subscribe amnesty-L" in the body of the message.

Provides news releases relating to human rights issues. Available in French and English.

Carnegie Endowment Newsletter

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Visit web site or e-mail with the words "subscribe enews" in the text of the message.

Provides news, events, and publication updates from the Endowment.

Center for the Study of Islam and Democracy

Center for the Study of Islam and Democracy

Visit web site or e-mail

Provides insight to the emerging discourse between Islamic and democratic values.

CIPE mailing list

Center for International Private Enterprise

Visit web site.

Disseminates information on Corporate Governance, Combating Corruption, the Informal Sector, Women Entrepreneurs, Feature Service, and other announcements.

Daily Corruption News

Transparency International

Visit web site.

Collects news from around the world chronicling corruption incidents.


World Movement for Democracy

Visit web site.

Features postings from World Movement participants and others about their pro-democracy activities in various regions and in different areas of democracy work.

The Drum Beat

Communication Initiative

Visit web site.

Offers information on topics concerning the use of communication technologies in the realm of development.



Visit web site

Provides updates on the activities of civil society groups around the world.

Elections Today

International Foundation For Election Systems (IFES)

Visit web site.

Provides information on elections and democratic development has three issues a year

Global Human Rights Education listserv

Human Rights Education Associates(HREA)

Visit web site or E-mail

Provides a forum for activists and educators to exhange information on upcoming trainings and conferences; studies and "lessons learned"; human rights education resources; and new projects.

Human Rights Mailing Lists

Derechos Human Rights

Visit web site.

A variety of lists, providing information on human rights issues, opportunities to sign letters and petitions, and news on human rights developments.

Human Rights House Newsletter

Human Rights House Network

Visit web site.

News and background services

Human Rights Watch E-mail Lists

Human Rights Watch

Visit web site.

The organization has different E-mail lists for news releases, human rights activities, general news relating to human rights, and information focused on specific regions.


Human Rights Education Associates

Visit web site.


International IDEA Mailing List

International IDEA

Visit web site.

Provides information on different aspects of democracy, such as the electoral process.

International Freedom of Expression eXchange (IFEX)Subscription

International Freedom of Expression eXchange (IFEX) Network

E-mail with the words "subscribe to alerts" in the subject line or Visit web site.s

Issues free daily alerts on free-expression violations around the world. Some alerts are available in French and Spanish.

The Letter of the FIDH

International Federation of Human Rights Leagues


Chronicles violations of human rights around the world. Also available in French and Spanish.


Rights & Democracy

Visit web site.

This bimonthly bulletin keeps members informed about Rights & Democracy's activities, which include encouraging strong democratic institutions. Also available in French and Spanish.

The Letter

Robert Schuman Foundation

Go to web site.

The Letter provides information on European affairs. Also available in French and Spanish.

Politeia Newsletter

Network for Citizenship and Democracy in Europe

Visit web site

Politeia's quarterly Newsletter includes topical EU news and network news, such as calls for cooperation, activities of participants, and profiles of institutions that are active in the field of citizenship education.

Newsletter de la Fondation Jean Jaurès

Fondation Jean Jaurès


Includes news about democracy and social justice around the world. Available only in French.

OnlineWomen Bulletin

OnlineWomen In Politics

Visit web site or e-mail

Contains information, updates, and events relating to women-focused news around the world

New Tacitics in Human Rights e-newsletter

New Tactics in Human Rights

Visit web site.

Contains updates and information about human rights around the world

Women's Learning Partnership E-News

Women's Learning Partnership for Rigths, Development and Peace

Visit web site.

Provide news, alerts, information about upcoming events and publications.


Global Youth Action Network (GYAN)

Visit web site.

Contains updates from nework members, opportunities for activism, event announcements, information on funding.





Subscription Information


Boletín Digital

Center for the Implementation of Public Policy Promoting Equity and Growth (CIPPEC)

Visit web site.

Chronicles public policy relating to civil society and equity. Available only in Spanish.

Ciudadanos Protagonistas del Cambio

Poder Ciudadano

Visit web site.

The list's purpose is to coordinate action that encourages citizen participation in governmental adminstration. Available only in Spanish.

La Democracia en América Latina

a Democracia en América Latina

Visit web site.

The list's purpose is to coordinate action that encourages citizen participation in governmental adminstration. Available only in Spanish.


Instituto Internacional de Gobernabilidad, el PNUD, and la Genralitat de Catalunya


Electronic magazine that focuses on governance, and human and institutional development, especially in Latin America. Available only in Spanish.

Human Rights Mailing Lists

Derechos Human Rights

Visit web site.

Offers lists that deliver news, alerts, and articles regarding human rights in the region as a whole, and on Chile, Argentina, Colombia, and Mexico. Lists focused on Latin America are available only in Spanish.

CUBANET Mailing Lists


Visit web site.

Provides news concerning events in Cuba written by independent journalists and members of civil society in Cuba. Available only in Spanish. Translated news available in English and French.

Lista de correo

Fundación para un Nuevo Periodismo Iberoamericano

Visit web site.

Presents information on freedom of expression and media.

Partners of the Americas Newsletter

Partners of the Americas

Visit web site.

Reports on civil society and civic education issues.

Probidad Mailing List


E-mail or visit web site.

Offers different lists that deliver news relating to corruption. These lists range from general news to news from specific Latin American countries. Available only in Spanish, except for one English mailing list.

Revista Responsabilidad

Proyecto ResponDabilidad/Anti-Corrupción (Proyecto AAA)

E-mail with name and name of publication.

Delivers articles concerning anti-corruption issues, especially in Latin America. Available only in Spanish.


Directorio Democrático Cubano

Visit web site.

Provides news on the activities of the internal opposition in Cuba. Also available in Spanish.





Subscription Information


Barkhor Mailing List

Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy

E-mail with the words "subscribe barkhor" in the body of the e-mail.

Reports on the latest human rights news in Tibet and also provides TCHRD press releases.

Burmanet News

The BurmaNet News

E-mail or visit web site.

Provides information on Burmese affairs.

CDI News

Centre for Democratic Institutions

Visit web site.

Updates CDI's activities in the area of democratic governance, judicial and parliamentary processes, and civil society, with a focus on Asia-Pacific.

China Labour E-Bulletin

China Labour Bulletin

Visit web site.

News concerning the activities of the official All-china Federation of Trade Unions and of workers attempting to organize outside of the union.

CND Global Newsletter

China News Digest

E-mail (for English)or Chinese)

Offers news updates regarding political, economic, and social development in China. Also available in Chinese.

Human Rights in Asia

Derechos Human Rights


Delivers news and alerts on human rights violations in east and south Asia.

Human Rights Features

Human Rights Documentation Centre (HRDC) and South Asia Human Rights Documentation Centre (SAHRDC)

Send e-mail with your name, mailing address, and e-mail address to

Offers information on human rights topics in Asia.

IWPR Reports

Institute for War and Peace Reporting

Visit web site.

Offers locally written news regarding such topics as conflict and humanitarian matters, mainly within the Balkans, Caucasus, and Central Asia.



Visit web site.

Monitors media and governance in the Central and Eastern Europe and the New Independent States


Mizzima News Group

Visit web site.

Offers news related to Burma, such as violations of fundamental liberties by the military government.

NKGULAG Newsletter

Democracy Network against North Korea Gulag

Visit web site.

Provides information and articles about human rights in North Korea

RFE/RL reports

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty

Visit web site.

Offers a number of electronic reports that address the issue of democracy, including freedom of press and political, economic, and social developments in the region. Many of the lists are divided by sub-regions, such as the Baltics, Caucasus, and Central Asia.

Swan Newsletter Online

Shan Women's Action Network

Visit web site.

News about women's right in Burma

TOL Wire

Transitions Online

Visit web site.

A compilation of news concerning Central and Eastern Europe, the Balkans, and the former Soviet Union.

Weekly Bulletin

Central Eurasia Project of the Open Society Institute (EurasiaNet)"

Visit web site.

Provides information on the affairs of Central Asia, the Caucasus, Russia, the Middle East, and Southwest Asia.

World Tibet Network

Canada Tibet Commitee

E-mail with message with 'SUB WTN-L your name' in the message

Delivers news collected from a variety of international news sources concerning political and cultural issues in Tibet.

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