US Senator writes letter of public denounciation on Tibetan repression

One of many recent Tibetan self-immolationsNew York, Mar. 26 (─ Dianne Feinstein, US Senator from California, sent a letter to the Editor of The New York Times, underlining her reaction at Tibetan Self-Immolations because of human rights repression in Tibet. She stressed her own first-hand experiences on this issue during the late 70s and early 90s.

Her letter reads as follows:

To the Editor:

"Tibetan Self-Immolations as China Tightens Grip" (front page, March 23) vividly illustrates the human dimension of this tragedy.

My history with China and Tibet runs deep. I first visited China in 1979 and worked in the 1990s to facilitate meetings between President Jiang Zemin of China and the Dalai Lama.

Today, China's policies toward Tibet have created an environment of rising tension and frustration.

I believe that the United States must send a clear message against this continued repression and violence.

We can start by passing a Senate resolution I recently introduced with Senator Joseph I. Lieberman that calls on China to suspend religious control regulations, reassess its religious and security policies, and resume dialogue with Tibetan Buddhist leaders.

The Tibetan people wish only to preserve their culture and practice their faith freely. Those fundamental human rights are met with cruelty and persecution. It's time the United States insisted that China end these oppressive policies.

U.S. Senator from California
Washington, March 23, 2012

[ Read US Senate Resolution ]

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