Undercover film shows Cuba's dissidents 'under intense pressure'

Havana (Democracy Digest).─ Two leading Cuban dissidents have been threatened and attacked, "by people they took to be intelligence agents in separate incidents on the same day," AP reports:

Elizardo Sanchez said two plainclothes officials stopped him near his Havana home on Tuesday, shouting physical threats and using crude language. That night, dissident Guillermo Farinas was allegedly attacked by a man with a wooden stick elsewhere in Havana, resulting in light injuries.

The regime is keeping rights activists under intense pressure, with more than 5,600 dissidents, journalists and rights activists arrested or detained between January and the end of October this year, writes Ivette Martinez:

The Cuban Commission for Human Rights and National Reconciliation recorded 520 detentions in October alone. For the year, the group says it has documented 5,625 cases, which is "consistent with the high level of political repression in Cuba over recent years."

The Communist authorities yesterday sentenced a labor union activist to two years in prison for his independent organizing activities.Ulises González

Ulises González Moreno (right) was sentenced in a trial whose outcome was predetermined ...

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