India's all-women police fighting sexual harassment

  • Female officers trained in martial arts patrol the streets of Jaipur to rein in sexual violence.
  • Nearly 40,000 rapes are recorded in India each year, but many more are thought to go unreported.
  • Widespread anger over the death of a student who was gang raped on a bus in Delhi in 2012 has driven some progress towards change.  

Jaipur, July 25.– In conservative north-west India where sexual violence and harassment of women is commonplace, the city of Jaipur thinks it may have found a solution.

A new all-women police force now patrol the streets on foot and by moped to protect women and let them know help is at hand.

The police tell women that they can call or even WhatsApp for help.

Around 80 per cent of Indian women have been harassed by men in public, known as “Eve teasing”, which includes catcalling, lewd comments and being followed by strangers.

The women police also have months of martial arts training ...

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