A Briton will be next warns 'Jihadi John' as second hostage Steven Sotloff beheaded

  • Just as Mr Sotloff appeared as the next potential victim at the end of the Foley video, a British hostage is shown on his knees as the latest video draws to a close
  • Extremely cruel Human Rights violations abound in a daily basis under ISIS  

London, Sept. 3.─ A Briton will be the next hostage murdered by Islamist terrorists, the British extremist known as “Jihadi John” threatened on Tuesday as he beheaded a second American journalist and announced “I’m back”.

The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil) carried out its threat to murder Steven Sotloff, the US citizen who was shown last month in the video of the murder of his fellow American, James Foley.

Just as Mr Sotloff appeared as the next potential victim at the end of the Foley video, the British hostage, wearing a Guantánamo Bay-style jumpsuit, is shown on his knees as the latest video draws to a close.

In a clear message to David Cameron, the British terrorist says: “We take this opportunity to warn those governments that enter this evil alliance of America against the Islamic State to back off and leave our people alone.”

The killer does not refer to the Briton by name, but his name is shown on screen as a signal of Isil’s intent that he is the next intended victim ...

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