Raul Castro would have given personally the order to eliminate opponents

  • Two days after the attacks against Guillermo Fariñas and the ladies in white José Daniel Ferrer was attacked by the State secutiry too
  • According to sources from the MININT (Cuban Interior Ministry) consulted by UNPACU, Raul Castro has given personally the order to eliminate, by all means, the most active opposition, UNPACU and the Ladies in white, in a period of three months
  • The repression and violence against “key” targets of the opposition have increased these last weeks with individuals given concrete orders of infiltration, instead of a massive police short-term repression strategy that has been going on since three years
  • Despite the visit of the Foreign Minister of Spain, José Manuel García-Margallo and the trade negotiations launched with the European Union, Raul Castro gave the order to start the repression these last days

Stgo. de Cuba, Nov.27 (UNPACU/DP.net).─ UNPACU has been experiencing these last weeks an increase of violence that has been practiced using paramilitary citizens working for the state security. The main objective of this repression campaign is to cause fatal damage and cause harm to the opposition’s most active organizations, such as UNPACU, Ladies in White and Citizens for Democracy (CxD).

A recent case related by diverse Media sources is the aggression of Guillermo Fariñas, 2010 Sakharov Prize for freedom of conscience, granted by the European Union, who was attacked by a crony named José Alberto Botell Cárdenas. To stop the aggressor, a number of people interfered and, among them two Ladies in white suffered serious injures provoked by stab wounds. One of them is still hospitalized in critical condition.

The attack and plot against José Daniel Ferrer

A similar case occurred in the headquarters of the UNPACU in Santiago de Cuba, a case that is now the source of a farce orchestrated by the government  José Daniel Ferrer.

On Thursday the 13th, at the María Heredia Headquarters of UNPACU, located in the Mariana de la Torre's neighborhood, in Santiago de Cuba, an individual named Ernesto Jiménez Rodríguez, following direct orders from the political police, provoked a violent altercation, that was hard to control and ended by the expulsion of this individual from the area.1 A few minutes later the same individual went to UNPACUs headquarters in Altamira carrying heavy metal balls with the intention to use them in a lethal aggression.

Given that the activists recognized the aggressor's approach and did not let him renew his attack, he became extremely violent. By chance, many activists and members were present in the UNPACU headquarter and managed to immobilize the aggressor and remove the heavy metal balls in his possession ...

1 Direct witnesses of the aggression that occurred in the UNPACU headquarters in the Mariana de la Torre's neighborhood who managed to expel the aggressor, were: Ricardo Torres Hernández, José Augusto Bueno Fuentes, Magalis Rivaflecha Revilla, Amado Torres Montalvan, Yusmila Reyna Ferrera, Ana Lidia Torres Gomez, Roberto Cuello Pozo y Ernesto Oliva Torres

[ Full text ] https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BykeosyKG0nGU2lSMzlTRFZ6RERCTk1GaEZyeHZzdktCck9F/view

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