Cuba's intervention in Venezuela: A strategic occupation with global implications


Author: Maria C. Werlau
Editor: Club Ediciones, Neo (2019)
414 págs
Available at: Amazon 
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This in-depth and comprehensive investigation describes how “revolutionary” Cuba essentially occupied Venezuela not through a large military force in-situ but asymmetrically, by placing assets strategically to command Venezuela’ security forces, economy, information, communications, and society in general. It explores the evolution of a long-held plan that led to a radical political alliance and regional integration project and the establishment of an international criminal network. Finally, it explains how the much smaller, poorer, and underdeveloped Cuba pulled this off, thanks to a unique methodological tool kit arisen from the totalitarian nature of its system. The implications are far from regional.

The author, Maria Werlau, is co-founder and President of Free Society Project, also known as Cuba Archive/Archivo Cuba, devoted to advance human rights through research and scholarship, as well as to compile for many years a detailed record of untimely deaths and disappearances at the hands of two dictators: Fulgencio Batista & Fidel Castro. Her extensive publications on Cuba cover a wide range of issues.

The Venezuelan power struggle, playing out with a great humanitarian disaster as a backdrop, will remain in the headlines until there is some form of radical resolution. For the detailed background on why Cuban police state methods have made the Maduro regime such a hard nut to crack, Ms. Werlau's book is an essential guide. 

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