ZIMBABWE: Mugabe a no-show at hearing on corruption

New date set for parliamentary probe into corruption in diamond industry.

After white minority rule was dismantled in 1979/1980, Mugabe became a dictator and ruled for 37 years.  Robert Mugabe faces justice at last

May 24.– Former Zimbabwean president Robert Mugabe failed to turn up yesterday for a parliamentary hearing where he was due to give evidence on corruption in the diamond mining industry.

The 94-year-old, who is in frail health, had been summoned to a session at 9am, but when he did not show up, legislators rescheduled the session for Monday.

Committee head Temba Mliswa, an independent lawmaker, said the parliamentary committee was cognisant of the fact that 9am was a bit too early for Mugabe to show up.

He said the Monday session had been set for 2pm, although no one in Mugabe’s office would say whether or not he would attend.

Lawmakers want to question him over his 2016 claim that Zimbabwe had lost $15-billion (R189-billion) in revenue due to corruption ...

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