Justice for victims of Malaysian flight MH17 demands the ultimate joint effort

How an online purchase helped find the Russian blamed for downing MH17 

 May 30 (by Jerry Skinner).– I am on an airplane at 35,045 feet above the Atlantic. I am returning from Amsterdam to my home in the US. But my heart is still with my clients in Australia, Malaysia, New Zealand and today most of all in the Netherlands.

Just before I left, the Joint Investigative Task-Force for MH17 made the bravest, most critical decision made by a nation state in the history of the sordid tale of Malaysian Airlines flight, MH17. The Dutch-led criminal investigation held a press conference and true to their real and powerful drive for justice they declared a truth that many have been waiting almost four years to hear.

On July 17, 2014, a Russian Buk M1 TELAR, a launch unit for a deadly and technologically superior surface-to-air missile system fired a single missile at a commercial flight, flight MH17, which carried too many wives, husbands, parents, brothers and sisters and loved ones destined to die. Eighty children were on MH17.

They died alone and desperately afraid and the speeches and assurances of many politicians about supporting them and fighting for justice have been hollow. The JIT and the leadership of the Dutch has changed all of that. The missile was Russian. The missile left the Russian Army's 53 Missile Anti-Aircraft Brigade and was seen, photographed, videoed and witnessed across the Eastern Ukraine ...

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