US Congressional delegation visiting Latvia

  • The delegation from the House of Representatives Committee on Appropriations led by Representative Kay Granger is visiting Latvia from Aug. 15 to 16  

Riga, Aug.15.─ The delegation also includes Representative Steve Womack. This visit is part of a bigger trip, which will also include visits to Germany and Kuwait.

While in Latvia, the delegation plan to meet with the representatives of the Latvian parliament, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Ministry of Defense.

US Representative Kay Granger represents the 12th Congressional District of Texas. She is presently serving at the Committee of Appropriations where she heads the Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programmes, and is the Vice-Chairwoman at the Subcommittee on Defense. She is also a member of the Subcommittee on Transportation, Housing, and Urban Development. Additionally, she is a senior member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. Representative Granger has served in Congress since 1997 ...

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