New US atomic scandal uncovered in Greenland

Melting ice caps could lead radioactive waste to the ocean
Another disturbing side effect of Global Warming

Camp Century in Greenland Nuuk, Aug.15.─ A new scandal involving the US in Greenland has bubbled to the surface following the revelations that radioactive waste from a former top secret military base could find its way to the ocean due to the melting icecaps.

The base in question, Camp Century, was established under the ice east of the Thule Air Base in 1959 by the US Army. It used a mobile atomic reactor as an energy source for the around 200 soldiers and researchers who resided there.

The project, labelled Project Iceworm, was abandoned in 1966 with the Americans promising the Danish government it would clean up the site. But they left a lot of low radiation waste and toxic PCBs.

“It’s not a question of if it will happen, but it’s more a question of when,” Dirk van As, a climate researcher from the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS), told Information newspaper ...

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