US Congress Passes Criminal Justice Reform Bill – a Bipartisan Victory for President Trump

The Senate had approved the bill on Tuesday, Dec. 18.

Congress approved a sweeping bipartisan criminal justice reform bill on Thursday, handing President Trump a major legislative victory on an issue championed by his White House. The House approved the bill 358-36, sending it to Trump's desk for his signature. The legislation was approved earlier this week by the Senate, 87-12."

Washington DC, Dec.20 (AP).– The House passed an extensive criminal justice bill on Speaker Ryan after the voteThursday that will reduce some of the harshest sentences for federal drug offenders and boost prison rehabilitation programs.

“Congress just passed the
Criminal Justice Reform Bill
known as the #FirstStepAct.
This is a great bi-partisan achievement
for everybody.  When both parties work together
we can keep our Country safer.
A wonderful thing for the U.S.A.!!”
.– Trump tweeted.

The bill passed 358-36 and now goes to President Donald Trump for his signature. He had urged lawmakers to support it, saying the bill would provide hope and a second chance to those who earn it.

The legislation addresses concerns that the nation’s war on drugs led to the imprisonment of too many Americans for nonviolent crimes ...

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