Shameful Cambodia’s initiative for a ‘sustainable’ dictatorship

Map of Cambodia Hong Kong, Dec. 24.– China’s media recently reported that the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) would conduct a study into Cambodia’s participation in the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). If it had been just China conducting this study, there would be little interest in the topic. It is a foregone conclusion that Cambodia’s ruthless oligarchic regime is already a subsidiary of China. As testimony, the country’s seaside province of Sihanoukville now resembles China’s Macau.

China’s media recently reported that the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) would conduct a study into Cambodia’s participation in the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). If it had been just China conducting this study, there would be little interest in the topic. It is a foregone conclusion that Cambodia’s ruthless oligarchic regime is already a subsidiary of China. As testimony, the country’s seaside province of Sihanoukville now resembles China’s Macau.

The UNDP like other international agencies planted the seeds for what were supposedly “Sustainable Development Goals,” but the Cambodian regime has outmaneuvered the United Nations, reaping the benefits of “the goals” while simultaneously shredding every infrastructure developed, rendering all efforts as nothing more than legitimizing human-rights violators, dictatorship and corruption.

For the term “Sustainable Development Goals,” like “human rights” and “democracy,” is merely an international language adopted invariably to legitimize international partnerships for funding or aid to sustain and boost Cambodia’s political princelings whose privileges are passed down from father to son.

It is shameful for the UNDP to prioritize a study labeled as being on SDGs instead of taking action to pressure the Cambodian regime to implement basic yet critical areas of human rights, good governance, and democratic political infrastructur ...

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