Thousands more flee amid ‘scorched earth policy’ in Aleppo; UNICEF says all kids are traumatized

Beirut/Aleppo, Dec.12.─ Hundreds of Syrians stood in long lines Sunday, some getting on government buses, to flee the ever shrinking rebel-held enclave of eastern Aleppo as military troops and allied militias continued their push to regain full control of the opposition stronghold. Smoke and flames rise after airstrikes on rebel-controlled besieged area of Aleppo

Syria’s state news agency said at least 4,000 people fled the enclave Sunday. The state TV channel said more than 70,000 of eastern Aleppo’s estimated 275,000 residents have fled in recent days — mostly to government-held western Aleppo districts.

Residents said government airstrikes hit the last remaining bridge that linked eastern and western Aleppo, a largely symbolic strike. They also reported that government and allied troops kept up their bombing of a handful of neighborhoods, which have become the shelter for most of the civilians who chose to remain.

“There is not a building that remains standing,” said Mohammed Khandaqani, a medical administrator who remains in Aleppo, speaking of his neighborhood, al-Maadi, near the old city. He said government troops have advanced there, and others said most of the newly displaced residents left from that area. “This scorched earth policy is truly overwhelming.” (...)

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