Macron to Europeans: Nationalism is not the answer

Strasboutg, Apr.17.– Addressing the European Parliament in Strasbourg, French President Emmanuel Macron urged Europeans to halt a retreat into nationalism and rebuild the European Union as a bulwark of liberal democracy.

He won applause from lawmakers after condemning the rise of "illiberal democracies" even within the EU.

Echoing the language of historians about Europe's slide into war a century ago, Macron said he would not belong to another "generation of sleepwalkers" and let the EU wither in what he called an atmosphere of "civil war".

But it was a "game of fools" to halt or reverse sharing sovereignty among EU states in the face of global challenges, ranging from climate change and mass migration to the growing power of multinational corporations and authoritarian states.

"We need a sovereignty that is stronger than just our own, which complements but does not replace it," Macron said in Strasbourg ...

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