Kim Jong-Un’s freeze aimed to give him strong hand ahead of summit

Seoul, Apr.21.– North Korea’s announcement that it has suspended nuclear and long-range missile tests reflects Kim Jong Un's desire to have the upper hand ahead of landmark summit talks with U.S. President Donald Trump.

North Korea also said April 20 that it plans to close its nuclear test site.

In making the declaration, Kim may well have taken into account a possible backlash by the North Korean military elite to the abrupt change of course in the country's nuclear policy, according to sources who closely monitor North Korean affairs.

Kim embraced the concept of “complete denuclearization” when he recently met with CIA Director Mike Pompeo in North Korea, according to the sources.

The two countries are still coordinating details of the first summit meeting between a North Korean leader and a U.S. president. The meeting is anticipated in May or June ...

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