Like Venezuela, Nicaragua & Cuba, López Obrador (AMLO) has tried to hinder NGO's from accountability

The president of Mexico reproached the US government for supporting organizations such as México Evalúa, MCCI and Article 19.

Maduro, Lopez Obrador & Ortega

Mayo 3.– President Andrés Manuel López Obrador described the United States government on Tuesday as "interference" for granting resources to civil organizations that have criticized the self-called "Fourth Transformation" (4T).

In his morning conference, he pointed out that it is a "violation of the sovereignty" of Mexico that the State Department, through a program of the US Agency for International Development (USAID), helps finance to NGOs that work for transparency and accountability in order to promote democracy, such as México Evalúa , Mexicanos Contra la Corrupción e Impunidad (MCCI) and Article 19.

How is the United States government going to be giving money to an organization that is openly against a legal and legitimate government, a democratic government? How are they going to be financing opponents from abroad? That is a violation of our sovereignty."

In this regard, AMLO assured that he is preparing a diplomatic protest against the administration of President Joe Biden. However, until now, the US government has not ruled on the matter.

Other governments that have expressed their discomfort or rejection are that of Xi Jinping ( China ) and Vladimir Putin ( Russia ); while in Latin America, they have been that of Nicolás Maduro ( Venezuela ), Miguel Díaz-Canel ( Cuba ) and Daniel Ortega ( Nicaragua ). All of them with high rates of human rights violations and non-compliance with the rule of law.

[ Full text in Spanish & English ]

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