GEORGIA: Council of Europe Regional Academy on participatory democracy organised for Kvemo Kartli municipalities

Council of Europe logo Apr.29.– With the aim to contribute to raising awareness and capacity development in civil participation standards and tools of the Council of Europe, academy on participatory democracy was organised for local authorities and civil society representatives of Kvemo Kartli Region in Kachreti, Georgia.

The Regional Academy was led by Council of Europe international and local experts, and was held as part of the Council of Europe Project “Strengthening Participatory Democracy and Human Rights at Local Level in Georgia”.

The information on innovative tools for citizens ‘engagement introduced by experts, invited guest speakers and the participants and insights from case studies and exercises raised awareness of participants about Council of Europe standards and guidelines on participatory democracy and civil engagement in political decision-making at the local level, as well as fostered understanding of political decision-making processes and entry-points for citizen engagement.

The participants learned about various participatory tools developed by the Council of Europe such as “Civil Participation in Decision-Making Toolkit”, “CivicLab”, “Uchange”, which support municipalities to involve citizens effectively in participatory processes and to build dialogue platforms around pertinent policy issues. Moreover, the participants were introduced to the deliberative participation mechanism, Citizens’ Assemblies, which proposes a methodology ...

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