ARGENTINA: 30 years of Conspiracies & Cover-ups since the AMIA Attack

♦ Prosecutor Alberto Nisman accused Iran and Argentina of colluding to bury a terrorist attack. It may have got him killed.
♦ Sebastán Basso, prosecutor of the AMIA case: "The passage of time is the greatest complexity of the case".
♦ 30 years after the attack on the AMIA, Gil Lavedra expressed: "The mantle of impunity and shame surrounds us".

The AMIA case is 30 years old: acquittals and cover-ups 

  • Fugitives did not appear. 
  • The US and Brazil expressed their commitment to help. 
  • What is the scenario of the different judicial fronts in the open investigations linked to the attack?

AMIA Attack 1994Buenos Aires, July 18.– For some reason, round numbers always weigh more. 30 years ago, at 9:53 on that cold and sunny Monday, a truck bomb with more than 300 kilos of explosives was embedded in the Pasteur 633 building, in the heart of Once. The AMIA flew. He killed 85 people. Since then, the sense of Justice seems to fade with each anniversary.

Almost 500 thousand pages accumulate in the files. Added to this is intelligence material stored in boxes of papers and cassettes that could occupy two kilometers online.

Two oral trials for the attack ended in acquittals, another trial for irregularities in the case that convicted the main investigators, a conviction from the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, and a group of Iranian and Lebanese fugitives who refuse to surrender in the Argentine courts.

The number of judicial files derived from the main case in which the attack is being investigated exposes the failure of the Argentine State to clarify what happened on July 18. The only sentences handed down so far were against the officials who investigated the case, accused of covering up or committing crimes during the investigation.

The investigation has several fronts and one certainty: that there was a car bomb that crashed at the AMIA headquarters, located at Pasteur 633, with more than 300 kilos of explosives ...

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