Voting in November is an essential civic duty in the United States.

In democracy, it is vital to listen to each other, including our political and ideological adversaries, before making an electoral decision and, in this pre-electoral period in the United States, it is vital to dedicate at least one hour a day watching and listening at each of the Party Conventions to what some of the personalities have to say conveying their ideas, projects, and aspirations. 

In this way, we will have heard the arguments of various personalities from both parties, including the presidential candidates, in order to compare the sincerity, depth, and purposes that will influence the march of events in the new 4-year period starting next January.

The Republican Convention is already part of history and, unfortunately, the vast majority of the supporters of the Democratic Party preferred to marginalize from their daily lives what their opponents have to say. On the contrary, I trust that many Republican voters would dedicate some time listening to Democratic proposals and arguments at the next Convention of that party. Hopefully, the Independents will do the same. Thus, they all would be able to calibrate what their adversaries propose so that they could properly defend their preferences.

Blind loyalty to one party or another is fanaticism and usually leads to oppressive authoritarianism or, even worse, to a repressive dictatorship. On the contrary, we also learn to dialogue and understand each other by listening to both sides. It enriches us to be well informed to be able to counter the overwhelming tendency to promote misinformation, misrepresentation, and hatred that is destabilizing this country with adulterated journalism and the chaos that fosters social media. US Presidential Candidates 2024

If we thoroughly contemplate both sides of the coin, it will be much more likely that we'll select the best candidates in November. Of course, YOU HAVE TO VOTE! A massive vote and in person to fulfill the civic duty. If we do not, we will be letting others decide for us.

Let's not cross our arms under the pretext that one vote more or less will not make the difference or because we believe that the candidates of our preference will gain overwhelmingly or, on the contrary, that they are on their way to an overwhelming defeat. The forecasts do not matter; YOU HAVE TO VOTE! You decide, NOT THE SURVEYS.  Let us dispense justification by claiming that there are no good candidates at all because there are some who are better and others who are worse. In fact, the ones who will win, good or bad, are THOSE WHO MANAGE TO DRAG MORE VOTERS TO THE POLLS.

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