Twenty-first century socialism turned Bolivia into a base of Iran against the Americas

Carlos Sánchez Berzain

With over 300 political prisoners and without any single essential component of democracy in existence, Bolivia is the “invisible dictatorship” or the “ignored dictatorship” whose tolerance by democracies brings the most grievous consequences for international peace and security. The Bolivian regime is a satellite of the 21st Century Socialism, or Castrochavism, that under the command of Cuba also includes Venezuela and Nicaragua, and that has turned Bolivia into a narco-State and the Iranian base against the Americas.

Due to its geopolitical, geostrategic position and natural resources, Bolivia is an old-time and permanent objective of Cuba’s dictatorship, as a regional operator of the former Soviet Union within the framework of the Cold War, that in 1967 orchestrated a guerrilla invasion there that ended with the death of Che Guevara.

The destabilization and destruction of democracy in Bolivia is a transnational process directed and operated by the now-a-days so-called 21st Century Socialism, or Castrochavism, which -with historical facts that are beginning to surface today- is becoming clear, including the active role of the recently uncovered Cuban spy Manuel Rocha, former United States Ambassador to Bolivia. This process, using violence and malicious aforethought, eventually took Evo Morales, the lifetime head of illicit coca harvesting and cocaine production unions, to become the president. Morales’ crimes and prosecution were protected by the now-caught successful spy who also promoted his presidential candidacy.

Since the coup-d’etat of 17 October of 2003, in over two decades of democratic rupture in Bolivia, the transnational regime has supplanted the Bolivian Constitution through an unconstitutional “constituent assembly” that -also supplanted- served as the disguise for the Castrochavist intervention to create a “Plurinational State,” imposing there the “dictatorial constitutionalism” of Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua.

Evo Morales and Luis Arce’s regime is by no means a Bolivian domestic regime, it is a surrenderist regime guilty of high treason to the Bolivian homeland, it is the 21st-century expansion of the Castroist “anti-imperialism” of the last century that has placed Bolivia, and its foreign policy, at the service of dictatorships that respond to the objectives, direction, and interests of Cuba’s dictatorship, the Dictatorship-In-Chief, to whom Morales, Arce, and their group owe their assumption to, and continuance in, power.

The foreign policy of the Republic of Bolivia was substituted by Castrochavism with “the defense and nationalization of drug trafficking” and the aperture and intensification of “relations with antiimperialist or anti-United States dictatorships” such as China, Russia, Iran, North Korea. Proof of this are their diplomatic exchanges, proposals, and voting on behalf of the “Plurinational State.”

Within the framework of “First Global War” that humanity endures today, Bolivia is part of the group of dictatorships. It backs Russia in its invasion of Ukraine, depends on China, to whom it owes seemingly unsurmountable amounts of unjustifiable debt, and is “Iran’s base” because it is “the place where it forward-deploys personnel and equipment to be used in organizing expeditions or campaigns.” At Cuba’s direction, the backing given to Iran has included the rupture of diplomatic relations with Israel and the backing of international terrorism.

When Bolivia was under democracy, it did NOT have relations with Iran, these were imposed by Cuba and were started by Evo Morales on 8 September 2007. Ever since, Bolivia has been the subject of religious, cultural, economic, and military penetration by Iran’s theocratic dictatorship that “includes the strengthening of the Hezbollah networks.”

Bolivia is the base that Iran has installed for the Abya Yala Television Network; undertaking “scientific and cultural cooperation” that includes “entrepreneurial investments,” and “the powerful presence of Iranian representatives of the revolutionary forces;” “Iran also established a hospital near the city of La Paz, has presence at universities, and has a disproportionally big embassy.” In August of 2016, along with Nicaragua and Venezuela, it created the “ALBA’s Antiimperialist School;” and following a visit of Morales and Arce to Cuba in 2023, the “Strategic Military Cooperation Agreement” was signed with unknown details due to their secrecy” but the Bolivian government admitted that the agreement with Iran includes drones, ships, and cyber-security”, and more.

Bolivia’s dictatorship activated a nuclear project in the city of El Alto on the outskirts of La Paz. Morales announced, on 29 October 2019, that “Iran will help Bolivia to install a nuclear plant,” the Russian company Rosatom installed “the container that will house the nuclear reactor whose inauguration has been proposed to be in 2025.” The Bolivian regime has surrendered control of its lithium and uranium resources to China, Russia, and Iran.

The granting of Bolivian Plurinational State’s passports to foreigners and their identification as Bolivian citizens, is part of the “services” of the satellite dictatorship to the transnational organized crime system. For example; as “a member country of MERCOSUR, Bolivian citizens are able to enter and reside in Argentina up to two years, without the need to produce any other documentation. . .”
Twitter: @csanchezberzain

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