The Role of Government

”A government big enough to give you everything you want
is strong enough to take everything you have.’‘

Thomas Jefferson

 Just as with Economic policy initiatives, the CDU rejects a state which regulates every aspect of human life. The CDU objects to over regulation through laws and statutory instruments and excessive bureaucracy in administration. Just as Classic Liberalism of the 19th Century, the Christian Democratic Union beliefs in a small as necessary limited government that is capable of keeping within its budgetary allowances. Civic freedom and social market economy should not get drowned in a flood of governmental regulations that restrict the free market. Existing laws and regulations have to be regularly examined with respect to their raison d’etre. The necessity for making new laws and regulations must be proved by the lawmaker and documented that it is none repetitive and duplicitous in nature with existing laws and conflictions do not arise. This principle may be followed: ”If it is not necessary to pass a law, then it is necessary not to pass a law”. In future, simple legal settlements and regulations should in principle be enforced only for limited periods. Meaning all non-laws must have built-in expirations.

Additionally, Laws must be clear and short as possible. The clear and systematic nature of law must further be improved. Administrative processes and official structures have to be simplified and offers of e-government must be enhanced utilizing the efficiencies of new and better technologies.

The eradication of bureaucratic hassles must begin with the determination of the aims of the state. Eradicating superfluous bureaucracy in favor of efficient public administration that is brought to the doors of the citizens is an urgent and constant duty – in the interest of the citizens, the economy, and the state.

Citizens can and want to do more within the community than they are allowed to do by an obscure and impenetrable state division of labour and competencies. We want all state levels at a clear assignment of task and spheres of responsibility. It is important to concentrate at all levels our efforts on reducing bureaucracy and waste.

While economic conditions may constitute the state situations that require excess expenditures during conditional times of severe economic stresses. Government needs to meet its budget needs within the constraints of revenues received and generated. Excessive spending and accrued debt threatens the stability of the state as well as the social economic structure of the community. Christian Democracy believes that a limited and fiscally responsible governing state is just as important as the expectations of the citizens to be self-reliant and responsible to themselves and the community.

Christian Democratic Union - USA

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