Dismantling America: and other controversial essays

Dismantling America


Author: ‎ Thomas Sowell & others
Publisher: ‎ Basic Books; 1st edition (August 10, 2010)
Language ‏: ‎ English
Hardcover: ‎ 352 pages
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0465022519


This book is a clarion call from a group of eminent personalities who evaluate from various perspectives the transformations, their causes, and their consequences on contemporary society, with the goal of shattering the foundations of modern world civilization.

The book contains a wide-ranging collection of essays – on many political, economic, cultural, and legal issues – having as a recurring, underlying theme the decline of the values and institutions that have sustained and advanced American society for more than two centuries. This decline has been more than an erosion. It has, in many cases, been a deliberate dismantling of American values and institutions by those convinced that their superior wisdom and virtue must override both the traditions of the country and the will of the people.

It doesn't matter if these essays (which were first published as syndicated newspaper columns) are about financial bailouts, undocumented immigrants, gay marriage, national security, or the Duke University rape case; the underlying concern is about what these wildly dissimilar topics say about the general direction of American society.

This larger and longer-lasting question is whether the particular issues discussed reflect a degeneration or dismantling of America. There are people determined that this country's values, history, laws, traditions, and role in the world are fundamentally wrong and must be changed.

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