Humanist Renewal from the Centre: Resolution on Ideology

Christian Democrat & People's Parties International:  Resolution on Ideology
Mexico City, 21 November 2001

Beginning of the third millennium

At the turn of the new century and of the new millennium we face deep and unending worldwide changes that impact all life patterns. The expansion of new information technologies, the growing globalization and the development of bio-technology are some of the issues integrating a new reality of unheard-of developments and resulting opportunities, but at the same time of a reality that assumes threats for human beings and therefore endangering the dignity of the individuals.

Therefore, new human experience dimensions derive from the new scientific and technological inventions, which affect the relationship of couples in their integration as a family source to the validity of the nation state, which moves between the concentration in local issues and the creation of international entities, turned into a new kind of intermediate society between individuals and groups on the one hand, and on the other the globalizing forces. These novelties share the stage with old problems, which today, go beyond frontiers such as poverty, inequality and social injustice, and with more recent problems such as the deterioration of the environment, the institutionalisation of corruption or acute consumerism. That explains that from this experience emanates an aspiration to reach new equality goals and to live in a renewed spirituality.

The evolution of world politics and economy, supported by the permanent development of the new technologies, turn what in the past were local problems, into problems that impact the entire planet and those that were distant problems in the past, are today introduced in all areas.

The multiplicity of cultures and beliefs developed within a framework of freedom oppose the violent and intolerant positions that attempt to impose their ideas by force. Not only freedom and democracy, but also human dignity is a victim of terror and violence. It is more necessary today than ever to defend the integrity of individuals and the right to life as absolutely inalienable rights.

The CDI's member parties have remained united due to a series of fundamental values that continue to support our political actions: dignity of persons, freedom and the responsibility as an axis; solidarity and subsidiarity, justice, the rule of law as an instrument, and democracy as an objective. The fight against terrorism will be a top priority in our political action to defend those values.

Our concept of a Person

We consider persons as subjects and not objects of history. We consider all men and women as unique, irreplaceable and absolutely irreducible human beings, free by nature and subject to transcendence. Human beings depend upon each other in the midst of society. Because they are free, responsible and interdependent, individuals should participate in the construction of society. For many of us, underlying this commitment is the belief that we have all been called to contribute to God's creation and freedom work. It means that all individuals have the right to be fully responsible for themselves and their actions and to share this responsibility face to face with their fellow human beings and Creation. In accordance with our concept of Man, we state that all men and all women have the same dignity and are by nature equal.

New status of the CDI

Christian Democratic, Centrist, Humanist and Reformist, CDI believes it is necessary to renew our goals and our procedures, to adapt them to the historic circumstances in which we live, from the conviction of universal principles and values that have inspired to this date our project and our political actions: the manifest dignity of human beings, and the responsibility, fundamental equality, justice and solidarity.

The CDI cannot be paralysed by fear of change, cannot be towed by circumstances but should be, by itself, an agent of change, be at the vanguard of circumstances and thus be the driving force of progress. We have decided to anticipate the future, to be capable of preparing feasible and quick policies, to benefit as much as possible from the opportunities the new era offers us. We are not limited to adapting to change, CDI is prepared to innovate thanks to our confidence in our own identity.

Globalisation and "mondialisation"

Aware of this new world scenario, he CDI makes an essential contribution by differentiating between globalization and "mondialisation". It is necessary to promote human solutions to global problems, so that we face them with an open, dynamic and reformist way and from a humanist ethics of world responsibility.

Hence the importance of the aforementioned difference: the CDI understand that there is globalization, with its decisive technical and economic component, and that this is clearly incomplete if it does not include the "mondialisation", which faced with the economic issue privileges human and ethic dimension of all the process. Globalization is not a declinable option or an inevitable destiny, but rather the result of the steps taken to date in favour of the progress of humanity. The "mondialisation" responds to the fact that we individuals live in an interdependent world, in which we all share the same responsibility and the same universal destiny.

At CDI we promote a responsible and human management of "mondialisation" which from the foundations of democratization, the rule of law and the respect of human rights, allows the sustainable development of open, dynamic, prosperous and free societies founded on the respect of all human beings dignity.

Based on the principle of subsidiarity, CDI believes a broad international co-operation should aim to develop a strategy on how to define the responsibility between national states and the international society on how to strengthen the work to secure human rights.

"Mondialisation" should foster a more balance development all the peoples of the earth, favouring primarily those that have a lower economic development; the more or less covered protectionist practices, that violate or openly infringe the spirit of openness, should be abolished and substituted by other that foster exchange free from discriminating barriers.

Migrations from poor to rich countries are a phenomenon of our times, and therefore should be understood in that context. Migrants constitute an asset to labour and cultural exchange that enrich both those that contribute them as well as those that receive them. CDI shall promote intergovernmental agreements to protect migrants' human rights, and to implement control policies, including political and economic cooperation with the countries of origin and the fight against illegal immigration. It is necessary to have a transparent and planned immigration and integration approach, taking into account the capacity of the States to accept and integrate immigrants.

Open Society

A successful society is a society that gives opportunities to its citizens and promotes its capacities in equality. In it citizens may think freely, work, grow and develop, practice their initiative and their effort, giving all that not only an individual meaning but also a meaning of service to common interest.

We want dynamic, flexible, courageous, fearless of the future, willing to reform their social and economic structures societies that may guarantee the participation, equality and respect of future generations, both from the environmental point of view as well as when dealing with the financial sustainability of the welfare models. Societies that actively show their willingness to delve and perfect their government's democratic system in order to increase its representativeness and transparency.

Rule of law

The prevalence of the fair law, total independence of Judicial Power, transparency and democratization of public activity, a greater presence of a dynamic and well prepared civil society and the integration of minorities, are fundamental requirements for the future prosperity of any and all countries.

Education in the information and knowledge society

The CDI considers individuals to be the centre of its political action, and thus we understand that it is a priority to provide all people with the greatest amount and quality of education and training opportunities that will allow them to improve their life standard within the context of the society of knowledge. The right to education is the key to progress.

Education is the only instrument capable of conveying knowledge, the set of values that give all individuals the capacity to set their own personal goals, values such as the meaning of effort, of responsibility for their own actions, the desire to grow and develop or the respect for the co-living standards. It is from these values, from this knowledge that societies able to progress are built.

The society of information and knowledge offers new opportunities. CDI bets on the introduction of a new society of knowledge in which education, the formation and new technologies are the source of equal opportunities for all, regardless of race, sex, beliefs, religion or political preference.

The CDI stresses the importance of a fair distribution of technology to give countries the opportunity to use technology as an instrument for sustainable development and definitively promotes the effort in learning and development of new information technologies. Here lies an integral democratization concept, which encompasses all levels of life beyond and exclusively electoral sense. Access by all people to knowledge, to information and the new technologies, is the challenge of democracy in the threshold of the 21st century.

It is necessary to make a coordinated effort by the political, financial, cultural and academic circles to successfully face the challenge of new technologies.

Fight against poverty

Poverty is a scourge that affects a significant part of humankind, which forces our conscience, which represents a serious obstacle for development, and demands our determined commitment to change this situation, like a top priority of our actions at all levels and scopes.

The CDI has to favour the cooperation policies for development that will enable the access of the developing countries to greater possibilities of social well-being and human development. A more fair development will favour peace, security and stability in the world.

Work as a basis of social policy

CDI is convinced that the best social policy in fighting poverty and exclusion is the one oriented to create jobs. Work is more than just a way of assuring material existence; it is a decisive factor for personal realization and provides the opportunity to participate in the construction of society. However, society is the creator of jobs, not governments, even if their policies are essential to establish the best conditions for their creation.

Economic Policy

A positive orientation, of openness and greater social participation, of economic reforms that promote economic liberties with social responsibilities, of soundness and transparency of public administration, and economic stability are the bases to create prosperous and stable countries with sustained economic growth possibilities, and capable of generating jobs.

The opening of the markets through the world is a source of new wealth. The opening of world trade provides an opportunity for employment and greater prosperity. Our approach has to recognize that global interdependence has human and social consequences besides the economic ones and we should make every effort possible to assure that the wealth generated is shared by all. The progressive opening of the economy to a free and fair competition allows that the equitable growth throughout the world is a reachable objective. No economy can prosper in time if it does not share its benefits and is not surrounded by the necessary political stability and a democratic and institutional situation.

The CDI promotes those reforms that make countries more efficient. They improve the supply of products, goods and services; make society have more opportunities. Only strong economies where all social agents assume their own responsibilities may guarantee the development of their societies and the people integrating it.

Sustainable development

The respect that we have for human beings is related to the defence and care of the environment. The sustainable development that we foster requires human development to be compatible with respect for the environment as well as the preservation of natural resources, taking care of present development without harming future generations that will be in charge of the management and occupation of the planet.

Welfare society

We want welfare for society, supported in the following social principles: common good, equality, liberty, solidarity, responsibility, and subsidiarity. It is the function of the governments to create the necessary conditions through which people may enjoy their liberty, solidarity and responsibility based on equality. This implies respect, not only of civil and political rights, but also the economic and social preconditions for a worthy life. Therefore, it is necessary to develop public health and social security policies that encompass, in the diversity of their services and offers, the entire population. Quality of these services and also the sustainability of the system, thus safeguarding the opportunities for future generations.

We believe in families

We believe in families as the core of society, as a reference of community life and basis of interpersonal relationships. Families are the framework to educate out individual freedom in order to project it in a fair and solidary way towards the collective environment. From this standpoint, The Centre Humanist and Reformist should be the vanguard in promoting conditions that may guarantee prevention and eradication of domestic violence, and also the natural conciliation between family and labour life.

A society with gender equality

The society we want requires equality between men and women, and this has to take place from inside the family nucleus to the public environment. We have to acknowledge that even if it is a formal demand of our legislations, equality between men and women unfortunately today is far from being a reality. Therefore, we accept the commitment of implementing the necessary actions so that men and women effectively participate as active subjects of development under the principles of social equality and solidarity

A society, a government in which men and women equally participate in the decision making process, is a guarantee of a humanist vision.

Democratisation in the international and local arena

In order for globalization to be "mondialisation", it is necessary to promote the establishment, perfection and when necessary, delving in democracy within the international and local arena. Therefore we foster a major democratic participation not only at local level but also at world level, in international institutions and multilateral organizations. In this sense, CDI positively values the regional integration processes to the extent to which they safeguard pluralism within "mondialisation". For peace

A better world is undoubtedly a more peaceful world. A better world cannot be based in hegemony, in the balance or powers or in persuasion, but it has to be based on dialogue and cooperation. Peace is based in the respect for human dignity, democracy and justice. Today, specially today, reality forces us to finger-point at terrorism as one of most serious threats to world peace. We firmly support international cooperation in the struggle against criminality that crosses borders and condemn all kinds of violence, organized crime, mafia or terrorism and in general terms, all activities endangering peaceful and democratic co-living of a society, thus exterminating its possibility for individual and collective growth and development.

The events of September 11 should assume a stimulus to generate a definitive progress in all cooperation scenarios, and very specially in what has to do with areas such as justice, intelligence and common safety and fostering peace and harmony between the various peoples of the world, by mutual respect of their beliefs, cultures and national interests.

These regrettable events, also set the stage for a unique opportunity so that those of us who believe in democracy and the rule of law, coordinate policies that allow to prevent the existence of the groups or States that tolerate or promote terrorism stemmed from any pretext, and the detection and elimination of its financing sources. There should not be any space for violence, terror, drug trafficking or international crime in the world after September 11.

We believe that the time has come to start a dialogue between civilizations in the sense established by the United Nations aiming to the establishment of reciprocal and equitable links among civilizations . The understanding between cultures and the peoples of the world is the only basis for a lasting peace. Cultural programs will be fostered, specially focussed towards the young of the world, that would disseminate conciliation and cooperation issues between cultures. If historical rancour still prevails, let us shed light on all of them, so that they may be once and for all overcome through reasoning, debate and commitment.

Renewal and commitment

The CDI is fully convinced of the universality of its message. A coherent and integrating message based on temperance, dialogue and consensus, represent the big hope in order to find new ways of political action. From the humanist values that have always inspired us: liberty, solidarity, equity, responsibility and justice, CDI believes that human beings are the main stars and the definitive axis of its political project.

The Christian Democrat International and Centrist Democrat International face the 21st century with a major peace and prosperity project. It is our commitment to practice a new style of political action that responds to the new needs and our aspirations, promoting efficient, competitive and solidary societies on the basis of social dialogue. Where the notion of equality crosses all public policies and includes both due to ethical duty as well as political imperative, the fight against poverty, equal opportunities. Improvement in income distribution and quality of life of the population. A new style of political action that being founded on the humanist values that inspire our project adapts them to the new reality of the present times in order to therefore be able to anticipate a common encouraging future. A new political action style that offers solutions committed so that all individuals reach their material, intellectual and spiritual destiny.

[Member parties and additional information]


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