World Movement for Democracy VIII Assembly

The World Movement for Democracy (WMD) published on the last day of February its VIII Assembly Report available in PDF format HERE. This international meeting took place in Seoul, South Korea, on November 1 to 4, 2015. Our PDCI was invited to participate, but we had to decline just this time. The meetings gathered several working groups: "Defending Civil Society", "Digital Security", "Preparing for successful transitions" and "Strenghytening global democratic norms", totalling some 50 sessions throughout the Conference with the participation of more than 400 democracy activists, practitioners, scholars, and donors from more than 100 countries.

The Steering Committee issued a statement for "A Call for Democratic Renewal" ◄[click here]  tackling on the challenges facing democracy since the end of the Cold War. The statement pointed to the need of a program to reinvigorate democracy should have four core dimensions: The first is a renewed commitment by democratic governments and international organizations to the defense of civil society against resurgent authoritarianism.

The Committee underlined that: "Democracy is challenged today by more than resurgent authoritarianism. In scores of countries where democracy has only sunk very shallow roots, democratic development and the rule of law are being threatened by a witches brew of rampant corruption, bad governance, electoral fraud, illiberal populism, ethnic and religious intolerance, political violence and intimidation, and the abuse of power ..."

Reports from each individual workshop are available providing an in-depth, insightful analysis of major international and global issues, as well as recommendations for how individuals and organizations can build sustainable solutions. Some of the key matters addressed include combating resurgent authoritarianism, corporate citizenship, youth mobilization, digital threats against civil society, etc.

Anyone interested may request a hard copy of the VIII Assembly Report writing to

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