Why is the US Supreme Court so important?

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Washington DC, Jan 31.─ The highest court in the US is often the final word on highly contentious laws, disputes between states and the federal government, and final appeals to stay executions.

What does the Supreme Court do?

It hears fewer than 100 cases a year and the key announcements are made in June. Each of the nine justices serve a lifetime appointment after being nominated by the president and approved by the Senate.

Cases are usually brought to the court after they are appealed from a series of lower courts, although in time-sensitive cases, lawyers can petition for a hearing. The court's opinions can also create precedents, directing other judges to follow their interpretation in similar cases.

In recent years, the court has expanded gay marriage to all 50 states, halted President Obama's immigration orders and delayed a US plan to cut carbon emissions while appeals went forward ...

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