Whistleblower complaint on Ukraine call released, alleges Trump solicited foreign 'interference' in election

  • Read HERE the Whistleblower complaint.
  • Read HERE the transcript of Trump's call with Ukraine President. 

Washington DC, Sept.26.– The whistleblower complaint that touched off a political President Trump meets Ukraine's Presidenttempest in Washington was released to the public today, alleging President Trump used the "power of his office to solicit interference" from Ukraine in the 2020 election -- and that White House officials subsequently tried to "lock down" records of that phone call.

The rough transcript of the July call, between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, was already released a day earlier by the White House. It confirmed that Trump sought an investigation from Ukraine into the Biden family, though did not show the president explicitly leveraging U.S. aid as had initially been suggested in some media reports.

But the whistleblower complaint, released by the Democrat-led House Intelligence Committee ahead of testimony from Acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire, goes further, though it is not a first-hand account of the call.

The whistleblower, who remains anonymous, says in the complaint that White House officials who heard the call were "deeply disturbed" by it, and that White House lawyers discussed how to handle the call "because of the likelihood, in the officials' retelling, that they had witnessed the President abuse his office for personal gain."

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