VENEZUELA: Non-Aligned summit fizzles for Maduro

  • Turnout from 120-nation Cold War-era bloc has paled in comparison to past meetings with only 10 heads of state showing  Non-aligned Summit in Venezuela

Margarita Island, Sept.19.─ Only a handful of leaders have travelled to a meeting of a large Cold War-era bloc in Venezuela in an embarrassment for the crisis-hit socialist government.

Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro has touted the 17th meeting of the Non-Aligned Movement as one that would "be remembered for centuries", as the unpopular leftist seeks to bolster his international legitimacy.

Yet the turnout from the 120-nation Cold War-era bloc has paled compared with past meetings, including the previous summit in Iran in 2012, attended by some 35 heads of state.

Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe, Iran's Hassan Rouhani and Palestine's Mahmoud Abbas, as well as regional allies from Cuba, Ecuador and Bolivia are among the few heads of states who have landed on the Caribbean island of Margarita ...

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